Mental And Physical Wellbeing

Help & Support for Families

Information on how families can access help and support should be available on the school website examples to add include:







  • Online Solihull Parenting Courses (worth £100) aligned with best parenting practice is free to use for anyone in Oldham. Parents, carers, grandparents, and staff can access the resources by entering the passcode: DAISY into this web page:


  • This May help: This is a new national initiative providing mental health advice to parents and carers who have concerns about their child’s mental health:



At Broadfield Primary School we pride ourselves on looking after the mental and physical wellbeing of everybody, staff and children alike. There are many clubs, outings, groups and targeted services to ensure this happens.

School Ethos:


Broadfield Values:
Throughout school all our children and staff promote the Broadfield Values. These values are:

Our Community

By promoting these values we hope that all the children are encouraged to become confident, responsible and caring members, not only of the school but, of the local community.

We employ a graduated response to wellbeing with ‘universal’ provision for all pupils, ‘supported’ provision for groups of pupils and ‘targeted’ provision for individuals.

Examples of universal provision include:

Recognising acheivement
Inspiring Sports Assemblies
External visitors for example NSPCC and PCSO’s

School council:

Within our school we have a democratically appointed school council whose primary role is to take any issues that children may want to voice and present them to members of the SLT to see if they can be resolved.

Extra-curricular activities (lunchtime and after school):

E.g. Sports clubs
Educational visits
Sewing club

Residential visits and outings:

Robin Wood and Castleshaw where there are opportunities to take part in many activies centred around team work, cooperation and communication, as well as having fun. Also cultural and enrichment visits for example places of worship, the pantomime at Oldham Coliseum each Christmas and at the end of year 6 the children visit Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

Pastoral Worker/Learning Mentor:

If a child in school has an issue which they would like to discuss , whether this concerns an problem in school or at home, we provide a pastoral worker or learning mentor with which they can sit and discuss their problems.

Children can also access Place2Talk.

Kindness box:

There is a kindness box in school where the children can fill in a slip, which is then read out in the awards assembly on Friday, to let others know how kind another child has been to them. Also if a child is noticed as being kind during the school day a member of staff can award them a kindness badge which is then exchanged for a certificate to take home at the end of the school day.

First aiders:

Many of our staff have paediatric first aid certificates.

Other provision includes:
PSHE/SMSC curriculum e.g. Mental health week
Mile run
Breakfast club
Oldham Pledge
Health checks


Dental Playbox:

Dental playbox is a scheme where our Early Years classes (2 year olds to reception) learn how to maintain their oral health.

For more information click here

Lego Therapy:

Lego therapy is a structured small group activity that helps children to work on their cooperation and communication skills.

Breakfast Club:
We run a breakfast club starting at 8a.m. each morning. Breakfast club offers children a variety of hot and cold food and drinks, along with the chance to socialise with other children. It also gives some children the chance to receive extra input from staff helping them to improve in areas such as times tables and spellings.

Social Groups:

During lunchtimes, members of staff take small groups of children either out onto the playground to take part in structured activities or in to a class room to play board games.

Forest Schools:

Forest schools is a type of outdoor education in which children visit the schools wild life area or the park, learning personal, social and technical skills.

Music Tuition:

The Support of the following is also available:

SALT – Speech and language therapy plays an important role in supporting schools to meet the needs of children with speech, language and communication needs.

QEST (Advisory Specialist Teachers and specialist teaching assistants.)

School Health Advisor

Jigsaw (supporting the inclusion of vulnerable groups.)

Educational Psychologist:

Oldham CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) offer specialist services to children and young people who are experiencing mental health and emotional wellbeing difficulties. They help children and young people up to the age of 18 years and provide support to their families/carers.

Visit the Oldham CAMHS page here

Targeted Services:

Place2Be is a counselling service that is provided within the school. This conc=sists of many volunteer counsellors who run 1:1 sessions with many children across all the year groups in school. They also provide a Place2Talk service where any children can request to speak to one of the counsellors at lunchtimes to air and resolve any issues they may be having.

Early Help is for individuals, households and families that need support to stop issues getting worse or reaching crisis point. The Early Help team works with people to develop skills to be more independent and self-reliant so that they are better able to help themselves. We have an assessment tool that helps families and workers to understand needs, where their strengths are, and where they may need help and support to make changes in their lives.

Visit the early help page here.


Local Offer

The Oldham Local Offer provides information on what is available in Oldham for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and / or a disability (SEND).

Visit the local offer page here



The physical and mental wellbeing of school staff is considered key to the success of the school. Examples of how are supported include:

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)
Wellbeing day/wellbeing contact
Health checks
Performance management


Broadfield is a healthy school and we work in partnership with parents to support the physical and mental wellbeing of families. This also includes opportunities, such as:

Parent partnership and Parent counselling through Place2Be