
Broadfield Primary School Equality Objectives 2020 – 2021

To view the Public Equality Duty Policy click here

Equality Objectives 2022-2025


Objective 1: To increase the participation of our Eastern European families at all school events

Why we have chosen this objective:
We have chosen this objective because of lack of representation of Eastern European families and children at school events and after school clubs


To achieve this objective we plan to:
Sign post parents to events in school e.g. Place2Be activities, parent ambassadors

Use of questionnaire to identify potential barriers/requests and provision adapted

Audit of clubs on offer and club participation

Review pupil groupings in class


Objective 2 Raise aspirations for pupils from all socio-economic backgrounds to access key roles and responsibilities in school

Why we have chosen this objective:
To advance equality of opportunity between different groups in school


To achieve this objective we plan to:
·        Encourage all groups of pupils to participate in school life and make a positive contribution, e.g. class assemblies and the school council

·        Identify and encourage individual children who may need support to apply for key roles in school.

PLT Equality Diversity and Inclusion Objectives