School Library

Our recently refurbished school library is a fabulous resource for children of all ages. Each year we appoint monitors to help run the library. Their role is to help children find books that will develop their love of reading.

Our trained librarians will assist children with selecting books, scanning items for loan through the ‘Junior Librarian’ loans system and ensure the library is kept tidy and well organised at all times.

Frequently asked questions

What type of books are available?
Everything from fiction to non-fiction.

How many books can I loan?
You may loan up to 2 books at a time.

When can I change my books?
You may change your books everyday (except Wednesday) between the hours of 12:30pm and 1:00pm where there will be a member of staff present.

What happens if you don’t have the book I want?
We frequently visit Madeleine Lindley to add more and more books to our collection. If there is a book you would love to see in our library, then let one of our librarians know and we will do our best to get it on our shelves.

What happens if I loose or damage a book?
There is a charge of £5.00 to replace any lost or damaged books.

Can my parents/carers come to the library too?
We encourage parents/carers to visit the library with their child, to help them choose a suitable book(s), as well as support them with their reading. The library opening times for children accompanied with an adult is from 3:15pm to 3:45pm, Monday to Thursday.


If you have any further questions, just ask one of our librarians during lunchtime (12:30pm – 1:30pm) or speak to Mrs Welby.