
Broadfield Primary School’s Published Admission Number (PAN) for Reception to Year 6 is 45 per year group. To accommodate this number of pupils some of our classes are organised into mixed aged groups.

Acorns (2 year olds) Admissions

Our Acorns (2 year old unit has places for 16 children in the morning and 16 in the afternoon.

Acorns Admissions Policy

Nursery Admissions

Our Nursery has places for 26 children in the morning and 26 in the afternoon.

Parents considering sending their child to Broadfield are very welcome to visit and look around the school at a mutually convenient time, chat to the Principal. Our Nursery offers 26 part-time morning or afternoon places. Broadfield nursery is often oversubscribed and in this instance, the School’s Admission Policy will be followed.

Nursery Admissions Policy 24/25

Nursery admissions Policy 25/26

Children are usually admitted into our Nursery in the September of the school year in which their 4th birthday falls. At the school’s discretion if places are available a January intake will be considered. Applications for Nursery should be made at the school on the official school application form by the end of February each year. On application for a Nursery place, parents will be asked to state their preference for morning or afternoon sessions.

Successful applicants will be notified by the end of May. Please note, attendance at Broadfield Nursery does not mean that your child will be admitted to Broadfield Reception class. You must still apply for your child’s Reception place.

Reception Admissions

Parents considering sending their child to Broadfield are very welcome to visit and look around the school at a mutually convenient time, chat to the Principal and/or staff.

Our children come into Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday. Our Reception class has places for 45 children and places are in demand. Broadfield is an over-subscribed school please refer to the School’s Admissions Policy below.

Reception Admission Policy 24/25

Reception Admission Policy 25/26

If your child is due to start reception in September you will need to apply for a primary school place in January.  Please check the exact deadline and apply online at  If you have any questions you can call the School Admissions Team on 0161 770 4213

Parents wishing to defer their child’s Reception place until after their 5th birthday should apply at the normal time and contact the school to advise that they wish to defer their child’s place. Each request will be considered on an individual basis in line with the Government’s School Admission Code–2

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