School Meals

High quality meals – has your child tried them yet?

  • Varied menus, always a choice
  • Salad and sandwich option
  • Fruit and yoghurt available

School Menu and Allergen

A school dinner costs £2.40 per day. Dinner money for the week is £12 – we are a cashless office therefore all dinner money should be paid by ParentPay – please speak to the office if you need any support setting up your ParentPay account.

Packed lunches may be brought to school. Please do not send drinks in glass bottles or cans. We are a ‘Tooth Friendly’ School. This means that we encourage our children to make healthy food choices. We ask that children do not bring sweets or sugary drinks for their lunch. If a child forgets their sandwiches and we cannot contact anyone, we will provide the child with a school lunch and ask the parent/carer to pay for the lunch as soon as possible.

Children who have a school meal or sandwiches are cared for by mid-day supervisors during the lunch time break. Children who go home at lunch time should not return until 5 minutes before the end of lunch, as their care at lunch time is the responsibility of the parents/carers, not the school.

If you wish to change dinner arrangements for your child, you need to let our School Administrator know by giving at least two weeks’ notice.

Are you entitled to ‘Free School Meals’?

To find out if your child is entitled to a free school meal, you can apply online or telephone Oldham Council on (0161) 770 3000.

Playtime Snacks

Nursery, Reception and Infant children will be provided with a piece of fruit every day. Milk is provided for Nursery, Reception and Infant children. Children can bring their own healthy snacks in the Juniors.
Please do not send sweets, chocolate or sugary drinks.