Reception Home Learning

The following suggestions are to support parents with structuring a ‘learning day’, which we appreciate could be challenging.

Children have all been provided with an exercise book. These can be used for children to complete home learning tasks that can be found either on ‘Tapestry’ or in the pack provided by school. It can also be used to draw pictures and practise writing their names.

Prizes will be given for children who upload their learning to ‘Tapestry’ for example, a video of them counting or a photograph of a drawing.

Please try and make all activities as active as possible. Also, please encourage your children to drink plenty of water.

Home Learning Activities
Reading Challenges          Writing Challenges
Mrs Rotton Reads A Story
Mrs Carr Reads Shouty Arthur At The Seaside
Mrs Carr Reads The Gingerbread Man
Mrs Carr Reads The Great Gran Plan
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14

Early Years Foundation Stage – Please see ‘Tapestry’ for advice at

Please click this link to find out how to download the home learning files from tapestry.

Please click this link to find out how to upload photographs and comments from home

For help explaining mathematical processes from reception – Reception Maths Prompt Sheet

Useful Websites

PurpleMash – Great activities for the children for a range of subjects

Keeping Fit With Broadfield click HERE

Body Coach TV channel on youtube from Monday 23rd March will be uploading daily P.E. lessons to keep children active –