Admissions Consultation 2025

The Pinnacle Learning Trust Board is currently determining proposed admission arrangements for Broadfield Primary School for admission to both Nursery and Reception from September 2025.

The School Admissions Code requires us to consult on our academy admission arrangements where there have been any proposed changes or where there has been no consultation for seven years.

Both Broadfield Primary School’s Nursery and Reception policies have been updated to include information on the school being part of The Pinnacle Learning Trust. A criterion for children of members of staff, who have been employed at the school for a minimum of two years at the time of application, has also been included. In addition, further clarity has been provided around the definition of a ‘sibling.’

The proposed over subscription criteria are detailed below:

Draft Nursery Admissions Criteria
Criterion 1:
Children who are looked after, i.e in public care, giving priority, if necessary, to the youngest child(ren) and children who have previously been looked after, including those who appear to the Admissions Authority to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care having been adopted, will be given the highest priority for admission. Evidence of the previously looked after status and/or adoption will be requested.
Criterion 2: Those children who are considered to have exceptional medical or socialreasons as to why they should attend a particular school. Parents will be required to submit
evidence to support their application under this criterion.
Criterion 3: Children who currently attend Broadfield’s 2 year old nursery (Acorns) and who already have a sibling attending the school and who will still be attending when the younger
child starts in the 3-4 year old nursery.
Criterion 4: Children who currently attend Broadfield’s 2 year old nursery (Acorns) who do not already have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.
Criterion 5: Children who already have a sibling at the school and who will still be attending when the younger child starts in the 3-4 year old nursery (see note c below)
Criterion 6: Children of staff employed at Broadfield Primary School who permanently reside with that member of staff. That member of staff must have been employed for a minimum of two years at the time of application or have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
Criterion 7: Children living in closest geographical proximity to school, with those families living next nearest to the school having higher priority. Distance tie-breaker: Within each criterion, if there is oversubscription, remaining places will be allocated according to distance.

Draft Reception Admissions Criteria
Criterion 1: Children who are looked after, i.e in public care, giving priority, if necessary, to the youngest child(ren) and children who have previously been looked after, including those who appear to the Admissions Authority to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care having been adopted, will be given the highest priority for admission. Evidence of the previously looked after status and/or adoption will be requested.
Criterion 2: Those children who are considered to have exceptional medical or social reasons as to why they should attend a particular school. Parents will be required to submit evidence to support their application under this criterion.
Criterion 3: Children who attend Broadfield’s 2 year old nursery (Acorns) or 3-4 year old nursery provision and who already have a sibling attending the school and who will still be attending when the younger child starts in Reception.
Criterion 4: Children who attend Broadfield’s 2 year old nursery (Acorns) or 3-4 year old nursery provision who do not already have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.
Criterion 5: Children who already have a sibling at the school and who will still be attending when the younger child starts in Reception.
Criterion 6: Children of staff employed at Broadfield Primary School who permanently reside with that member of staff. That member of staff must have been employed for a minimum of two years at the time of application or have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
Criterion 7: Children living in closest geographical proximity to school, with those families living next nearest to the school having higher priority.
Distance tie-breaker: Within each criterion, if there is oversubscription, remaining places will be allocated according to distance.

The Pinnacle Learning Trust Board has agreed to the draft criteria, subject to formal consultation. The period of formal consultation opens on Monday 30th October 2023 and ends on Monday 11th December 2023. After this period, the Trust Board will consider any consultation responses and determine the final admission arrangements which will then be published on the academy website by 28th February 2024.

The Trust Board would welcome responses to the proposed policies from local parents, local community members, relevant bodies and admission authorities.

A copy of the proposed admissions policies are available below:

Proposed Broadfield Admission Policy 2025-26 (NURSERY) (1)

Proposed Broadfield Admission Policy 2025-26 (RECEPTION)

Alternatively, a hard copies of either policy can be requested from the school via email;

If you wish to comment on any of the proposed admission arrangements, please send your response in writing for the attention of Diane Brown, School Business Manager: or alternatively to our address:
Broadfield Primary School
Goddard Street
Comments should be received no later than 3pm on Monday 11th December 2023. Full details of the consultation can be found on the website, however should you have any queries. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries.